
Jonathan T. Gilliam grew up in the Ozarks mountains of north Arkansas, and graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a BA double major in Political Science and Psychology. He began his career in service as a Police Officer just outside of Little Rock, Arkansas at Camp Robinson Police Department, before he received his commission in the United States Navy at Officer Candidate School (OCS). Gilliam then attended Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL (BUD/S) training and US Army RANGER School before being forward deployed as Officer in Charge (OIC) in Central and South America as a Navy SEAL Officer on Counter Drug/Narcotics missions.
In 2002, Gilliam stepped out of military service and directly into federal law enforcement where he served in an undercover role as a Federal Air Marshal flying undercover on US transcontinental flights, including flights that were being targeted on 9/11/2012. After serving our nation in the air, Gilliam operated as a Security Specialists for
the US Department of Homeland Security, where he was responsible for performing threat assessments and instructing soft target sectors how they could target themselves from an attacker's perspective in order to build awareness for action and better defenses for reaction to attacks.
From 2005-2013, Gilliam served with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a Special Agent in the New York Office on criminal and counterterrorism squads. Gilliam conducted 1000s of hours of surveillance, served as co-case and case agent, led arrest teams and functioned as the Special Events Management Unit (SEMU) Coordinator, where he developed threat assessments on targets in the New York area and functioned as the on-scene coordinator at high threat events and large-scale incidents. As the FBI Rapid Deployment Team Coordinator, Gilliam outfitted and assisted in coordinating the deployment of agents to Benghazi to investigate the crime scene in Libya following the terrorist attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.
Since leaving the FBI, Gilliam has served as a Security and Crisis Management consultant and director of security for a major country music tour as well as personal protection for other high-level celebrities. Currently, Gilliam is the Chief Marketing Officer of ConnectZing Media, a partner at Campaign Strategy And Consulting and a network news contributor where he is the only analyst in today's media that possesses operational experience in military Special Forces combined with experience in multiple local and federal law enforcement agencies. He has made over 1000 appearances on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, NEWSMAX, OANN, BBC, and other global and local news networks. Gilliam is also a Sirius XM host where he fills in for Sean Hannity, Andrew Wilkow, and David Webb, and hosts his own podcast, The EXPERTS podcast, which is consistently ranked in the top 50 News Commentary podcasts on iTunes.
Gilliam’s first book, Sheep No More; The Art Of Awareness And Attack Survival debuted at the top of Amazon’s Best Seller List where it has remained since its release on December 12, 2017. Now, there are two fillable Sheep No More workbooks Gilliam created for threat and defense assessments and a children’s safety and awareness book, named The Adventures Of Team Little Bigs: A Parents Book For Children.
Areas of expertise include:
A deep understanding of the political structure of Local, State, Federal Law Enforcement, Military Operations and Intelligence
A no nonsense analysis of political motivation
Psychological motivation of corruption and criminality
Domestic and International Terrorism
Understanding of Communism/Globalism/Socialism
Navy SEAL and Department of Defense Operations
FBI Operations
Personal Protection and route planning
World Religions
Islamic Fundamentalism
Threat Mitigation
Unconventional Warfare
Military Special Operations
Joint Terrorism Task Force
Targeting and Analysis
Crisis Management
Intelligence Gathering
Special Events Management and Security Planning
Veterans Affairs
Criminal Maneuvering
The War on Drugs
The breakdown of leadership at all levels of government
Government Contracting
Able to speak the language of each particular areas listed above along with the public / private sectors in which they function